Hello world!
It's been a busy, crazy few months of crafting and creating a stock for my shop! I have a bunch of new items up on the Etsy Store!
The holidays are coming up, and I do take custom orders! So check it out, pass it on and Be Awesome!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Bardic Pirate Studio Grand Opening!
So it's been a while. I have been wrapped up in all the amazing wonderful things that have happened in my personal life in the past 6 months that I haven't even taken the time to update the blog!
A quick run down: I finished my Art Studio degree making me the first person in my family to actually have a college degree! I have moved to Huntsville now, living with my amazingly supportive and wonderful boyfriend, and I have started working on some solid business plans for marketing my artwork and figuring out what it's going to take to make it in the world of art.
A quick run down: I finished my Art Studio degree making me the first person in my family to actually have a college degree! I have moved to Huntsville now, living with my amazingly supportive and wonderful boyfriend, and I have started working on some solid business plans for marketing my artwork and figuring out what it's going to take to make it in the world of art.
My first step into the wild and crazy world of shop ownership:
I opened up an Etsy shop. Bardic Pirate Studio is now open for business!
You can find the shop here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/BardicPirateStudio
I don't have a lot up right now, but I am working on building some stock for the store and hopefully it will be a thriving little marketplace for mixed media hand crafted goods! I have so many wonderful ideas, and I am so excited about them!
So please, Take a few minutes, check out the shop, bookmark it, favorite it, like it, share it!
Until next time!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Learning to Listen
As many of you may know, it's been a rough year for me and my family. Things haven't been this rough in a long time. It all started when I got sucked into a deep bout of depression, then it was like a chain reaction, my Grandmother passed away, my group took a hiatus and I hadn't celebrated a single Sabbat since Yule. I lost my car, the car we got from my Grandmother threw a rod, The floor in my bedroom collapsed and the house really started taking a turn for the worst. It has been a constant struggle to keep our heads above water, and now we have to move...and we have less than a month to do it.
So through all of this craziness, I started feeling like I needed someone to blame. I needed answers as to WHY all of this was happening and nothing I did was helping. None of the advice or support I got from friends made me feel any better at all, none of the music that usually cheered me up helped, and the depression was just getting ridiculously bad. One night, I was laying in bed trying to sleep and I had this crazy thing happen. I got an old Wilson Phillips song stuck in my head. Well, mostly just one line of the song..."You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness, You got yourself into your own mess." It was like someone put in an old cassette and just kept repeating the line over and over and over. It was driving me crazy and once I finally got to sleep, I just dismissed it offhandedly.
A couple of days after that, I got the song stuck in my head again... only a different part of the song. "No one can change your life except for you." I couldn't even remember at the time who the artist was that sang the song. It was just random various lines from the song that kept getting stuck in my head. Like an eerie episode of Eli Stone playing out in my head, only instead of George Micheal's 'Faith', it was Wilson Phillips 'Hold on.' And of course, I didn't actually SEE Wilson Phillips, just kept getting lines from one of her songs stuck in my head. Again, I dismissed it. Assumed I had heard the song on the radio and it was just some stray thought.
So, a couple of weeks later, I got a Rune Reading. The reading was basically a big cosmic "Shit or get off the pot" message from the divine. A message...an answer. I can't tell you exactly when the epiphany hit me, but when it did, it was like a brick smacked me upside the head. The summation of the epiphany was this...The divine, no matter if you call it God, Goddess, Creator, Great Spirit, etc, speaks to us in ways that we will understand. It's not always a voice, it's not always in 'signs' and in symbols...Sometimes, just sometimes, the voice of the divine can come through to you in the lyrics of an early 90's pop star. So, Keep your ears and eyes opened, and when you're asking for a sign, keep an open mind. It can come in very unexpected ways.
I am learning to listen, and not just listen, but to understand. There have been several other messages sent to me in a similar method since the Wilson Phillips incident, but that one is the one that will stick with me as a reminder that even when you're feeling alone, and empty and completely void of faith in anything, That you're never truely alone, because you are a part of the divine, and whether you can feel it or not, they are there, guiding you in subtle ways, helping you grow into the person you are supposed to be. The big epiphany. :)
So through all of this craziness, I started feeling like I needed someone to blame. I needed answers as to WHY all of this was happening and nothing I did was helping. None of the advice or support I got from friends made me feel any better at all, none of the music that usually cheered me up helped, and the depression was just getting ridiculously bad. One night, I was laying in bed trying to sleep and I had this crazy thing happen. I got an old Wilson Phillips song stuck in my head. Well, mostly just one line of the song..."You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness, You got yourself into your own mess." It was like someone put in an old cassette and just kept repeating the line over and over and over. It was driving me crazy and once I finally got to sleep, I just dismissed it offhandedly.
A couple of days after that, I got the song stuck in my head again... only a different part of the song. "No one can change your life except for you." I couldn't even remember at the time who the artist was that sang the song. It was just random various lines from the song that kept getting stuck in my head. Like an eerie episode of Eli Stone playing out in my head, only instead of George Micheal's 'Faith', it was Wilson Phillips 'Hold on.' And of course, I didn't actually SEE Wilson Phillips, just kept getting lines from one of her songs stuck in my head. Again, I dismissed it. Assumed I had heard the song on the radio and it was just some stray thought.
So, a couple of weeks later, I got a Rune Reading. The reading was basically a big cosmic "Shit or get off the pot" message from the divine. A message...an answer. I can't tell you exactly when the epiphany hit me, but when it did, it was like a brick smacked me upside the head. The summation of the epiphany was this...The divine, no matter if you call it God, Goddess, Creator, Great Spirit, etc, speaks to us in ways that we will understand. It's not always a voice, it's not always in 'signs' and in symbols...Sometimes, just sometimes, the voice of the divine can come through to you in the lyrics of an early 90's pop star. So, Keep your ears and eyes opened, and when you're asking for a sign, keep an open mind. It can come in very unexpected ways.
I am learning to listen, and not just listen, but to understand. There have been several other messages sent to me in a similar method since the Wilson Phillips incident, but that one is the one that will stick with me as a reminder that even when you're feeling alone, and empty and completely void of faith in anything, That you're never truely alone, because you are a part of the divine, and whether you can feel it or not, they are there, guiding you in subtle ways, helping you grow into the person you are supposed to be. The big epiphany. :)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
10 Rules for Fat Girls
So I was given a book a while back and told that I NEEDED to read it. It's called "The Body Sacred." I've been thumbing through it, reading when I remember to do so, and I always feel more empowered and better about myself after I do.
Today while doing my wake up and read facebook stumble routine, I found this post by the same Author who wrote "The Body Sacred"; Dianne Sylvan. It's called 10 Rules for Fat Girls, and it really affected me in a positive way! So I thought I would share it here as well. :)
Please read this article and TAKE IT TO HEART! :)
Today while doing my wake up and read facebook stumble routine, I found this post by the same Author who wrote "The Body Sacred"; Dianne Sylvan. It's called 10 Rules for Fat Girls, and it really affected me in a positive way! So I thought I would share it here as well. :)
Please read this article and TAKE IT TO HEART! :)
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Magic
It's Christmas time again, and if the hype about 2012 is to be believed, this will be the last Christmas before the end of the world and ironically, the only Christmas in my lifetime that we do not have a tree. The roads are filled with more traffic, the weather is turning colder and the malls are filled with people hustling to and fro seeking the perfect gift for the people in their lives. The trees are trimmed, the stockings are hung from the chimney with care and the kids are all in bed, hoping Santa will bring them what their little hearts most desire. I've spent a lot of time this past week remembering the Christmas celebrations from my childhood and remembering the quirky old family traditions, most of them common to many families, each contributing to the whole of my childhood Christmases. Little things, such as leaving milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer, making edible Christmas ornaments out of rice crispies and peppermint candies, making cotton ball snowmen and ornaments out of coffee can lids and Popsicle sticks. The tradition that holds a very special place in my heart is to sprinkle sugar on the Christmas tree before bed on Christmas eve and it will grow candy canes magically overnight while you're slumbering. I remember creeping downstairs at the crack of dawn to find exactly what I had asked Santa for under the tree, pouncing on my brother's beds to wake them up so they could come help me get mom and dad out of bed so we could open presents, and playing with our new toys all day before the most amazing meal of the year was served to eagerly awaiting hungry little faces.
What I never gave a second thought to while growing up was exactly how much work it takes to make all those magical amazing memories happen for a kid. I never realized back then how tiring, expensive and labor intensive the holidays are. I have gained a whole new level of respect for everything my parents, family members and neighbors did for us growing up to make the holidays hold that special, magical place in our hearts. While I may not be able to thank each and everyone of them individually, may it be known to the universe that I fully appreciate each and everyone of them!
The most hard hitting realization for me this year was the food. I love food, I adore food and I am learning to fall in love with cooking it. Last night I went shopping with my brother for all the fixings to make a spectacular blast from the past Christmas meal using old family recipes. While wandering the isles filling the buggy with things like nutmeg and evaporated milk, Dodging perky middle aged women in Christmas sweaters and herds of people in their pajamas taking up most of the isles talking to each other I realized something. Well, several things really, first off, Why the hell are all these people in their pajamas?? I've watched enough "What not to wear" to know that Pajamas are for lounging around the house, not going on a shopping expedition. They are completely unflattering and present an image of "I'm lazy and don't care about myself enough to put on real clothes." Also, why are all these women wearing Christmas sweater vests, It's like they've suited up for war and are prepared to win the Mrs. Clause look alike award. (Except for the backwoods Christmas Dolly Parton look alike lady I ran into, that was pretty 70's retro and totally awesome!) But to the point, Holiday meals are a lot more work than I thought they were!
I'm staying with my brother through the holidays to help out with my nephew and I get to be nose deep in the 'behind the scenes' traditions of Christmas magic making. Helping my nephew decorate his own Christmas tree, watching him build a Lego Christmas land complete with stray legos as lego presents and being used as a jungle gym has reminded me what the holidays are really all about. It's not about the myths and legends that pre-date the holidays or who started what tradition. It's not about who is right and who is wrong, and it's not even about the food or the presents...it's about the memories. It's about making magical amazing memories for my nephew that will stay with him for his whole life, spending time with my brothers and sister in laws, spending time preparing a meal for my father and grandmother, and even the stress and heartache that comes with trying to make the life altering choices that are ahead of me in the coming year. When it comes right down to it, It's about family. And even though I have spent every Christmas with my family, this year it's different. We're not going to Grandma's house where there is no holiday cheer and no decorations, we're not all loading up and commuting and we're not all bickering and fighting. For the first time in a very long time, it actually feels like it's Christmas, the way Christmas SHOULD be. And that, includes a family recipe box, a day full of cooking and the smells and sounds of Christmas.
From my family to yours, whether you call it Christmas, Yule, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or The season of Bah-hum-bug... I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful holiday season, a fantastic new year and that you each get to experience the closeness and magic that comes with spending the holidays with your family, whether they be blood family, or chosen. :)
What I never gave a second thought to while growing up was exactly how much work it takes to make all those magical amazing memories happen for a kid. I never realized back then how tiring, expensive and labor intensive the holidays are. I have gained a whole new level of respect for everything my parents, family members and neighbors did for us growing up to make the holidays hold that special, magical place in our hearts. While I may not be able to thank each and everyone of them individually, may it be known to the universe that I fully appreciate each and everyone of them!
The most hard hitting realization for me this year was the food. I love food, I adore food and I am learning to fall in love with cooking it. Last night I went shopping with my brother for all the fixings to make a spectacular blast from the past Christmas meal using old family recipes. While wandering the isles filling the buggy with things like nutmeg and evaporated milk, Dodging perky middle aged women in Christmas sweaters and herds of people in their pajamas taking up most of the isles talking to each other I realized something. Well, several things really, first off, Why the hell are all these people in their pajamas?? I've watched enough "What not to wear" to know that Pajamas are for lounging around the house, not going on a shopping expedition. They are completely unflattering and present an image of "I'm lazy and don't care about myself enough to put on real clothes." Also, why are all these women wearing Christmas sweater vests, It's like they've suited up for war and are prepared to win the Mrs. Clause look alike award. (Except for the backwoods Christmas Dolly Parton look alike lady I ran into, that was pretty 70's retro and totally awesome!) But to the point, Holiday meals are a lot more work than I thought they were!
I'm staying with my brother through the holidays to help out with my nephew and I get to be nose deep in the 'behind the scenes' traditions of Christmas magic making. Helping my nephew decorate his own Christmas tree, watching him build a Lego Christmas land complete with stray legos as lego presents and being used as a jungle gym has reminded me what the holidays are really all about. It's not about the myths and legends that pre-date the holidays or who started what tradition. It's not about who is right and who is wrong, and it's not even about the food or the presents...it's about the memories. It's about making magical amazing memories for my nephew that will stay with him for his whole life, spending time with my brothers and sister in laws, spending time preparing a meal for my father and grandmother, and even the stress and heartache that comes with trying to make the life altering choices that are ahead of me in the coming year. When it comes right down to it, It's about family. And even though I have spent every Christmas with my family, this year it's different. We're not going to Grandma's house where there is no holiday cheer and no decorations, we're not all loading up and commuting and we're not all bickering and fighting. For the first time in a very long time, it actually feels like it's Christmas, the way Christmas SHOULD be. And that, includes a family recipe box, a day full of cooking and the smells and sounds of Christmas.
From my family to yours, whether you call it Christmas, Yule, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or The season of Bah-hum-bug... I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful holiday season, a fantastic new year and that you each get to experience the closeness and magic that comes with spending the holidays with your family, whether they be blood family, or chosen. :)
Monday, December 5, 2011
True Beauty
Your Body Is Beautiful The Way It Is
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photo ©2011 Sarah Wade - Bardic Pirate Studio |
Stop for a moment. Ponder the amazingness of your body.
Think about the miracle of each breath that enters into your lungs, effortlessly, without uncertainty. Think about all of your senses; you are tasting, feeling, smelling, hearing, seeing, incessantly; these sensations enrich your life, make it gorgeous, vibrant, liveable.
Think about the uniqueness of your fingerprint, your eye color, your skin tone, your hair texture. Think about the beauty of your mind, how it houses memories, thoughts, beliefs, concepts, signals; how all of these things help you function, create and interact with other humans.
Think about the body's spectacular natural rhythms; it sleeps every night, wakes every morning, it enables you to eat, digest food, expel waste, it allows you to experience divine pleasure in the form of orgasms.
Think about your heartbeat, and how it has never, ever failed you.
All of this is extraordinary!
But we do not focus on these marvelous things.
Instead, we focus on how we need to lose ten pounds. How many grey hairs are peeking through our scalps. How the outside world perceives us (when in reality, they are probably not even paying attention to us). How small our breasts are. How much we hate our noses. How hairless our bodies should be. How insignificant we are. How perfect we should be, at all times.
How irrelevant, when something so phenomenal is happening within our bodies at the moment.
There are billions of tiny cells within us, working for our bodies in harmony, without complaint. They are completely devoted to us; they practically worship us. These cells keep us alive, strong, healthy; even while we are fretting about cellulite on our thighs or our "unsightly" smile lines. They feel the vibration of your negative thoughts, these vibrations will even kill some of them... yet they keep working. Diligently.
This is remarkable.
So much time would be saved, so many cells would go on living, if we ceased worrying about our appearance. We would find so much joy in the incredible abilities our body is capable of. We would smile in spite of our imperfections; we would celebrate them, we would fall in love with them.
We would make peace with the fact our bodies are beautiful precisely the way they are right now, because they are healthy, they are living, they are breathing. We have the ability to walk towards the direction of our dreams, to use our hands to write, to use our arms to embrace, to use our mouths to devour delicious meals and to use our voices to spread significant messages in the world.
These are all miracles, precious gifts.
This is my message to you:
Do not upset yourself with thoughts of inadequacy. Do not get riled up at the number you see on a scale. Do not reject your body. Do your best to steer clear from self-judgement and critical thoughts. Realize that you are doing your body, all of those loyal cells, an unkindness with your self destructive mantras.
Instead, be grateful of every breath, every step, every minute you are alive, blinking in this moment.
Realize that beauty is just a concept. Keep it in perspective. Meditate on the miraculousness of your body, the cohesiveness of your insides. Those are the things that truly matter.
Your body is beautiful, perfect, outstanding; just the way it is.
(P.S. I would really appreciate it if you would help me spread this message. More people need to realize the utter magnificence of their bodies.)
(I sourced this article from http://sexloveliberation.com/your-body-is-beautiful/, though I have seen it on a number of other blogs as well and none of them source the original author.)
(I sourced this article from http://sexloveliberation.com/your-body-is-beautiful/, though I have seen it on a number of other blogs as well and none of them source the original author.)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
So I made a decision tonight to unplug from the net for a few days. I'm not sure exactly what I am going to do, but I really feel like I need to just take a step back for a bit and kinda recharge my batteries and reevaluate a few things in my life. So, I will likely not be updating the twitter, facebook, or blog for a few days at least while I attempt to rediscover my own personal path.
Double edged sword
I am going through a period where I am learning the hard way that some things just aren't worth fighting about. I am starting to understand that things are really not as big and dramatic as people make them out to be, I am beginning to see the people that really matter to me, and the ones that were just around because they wanted something from me. It's really a big lesson for me to learn and something I think I really needed. The past couple of days have taught me a lot.
People are not always what they seem at first, sometimes they are just wounded animals putting up a front. And sometimes they will snap and bite at the ones who are trying to be supportive. All things considered, I'm really not that upset. I was at first, but the more I think about it, and the more I look at the blessings I DO have in my life, the more I remember that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime...and when it's time for a reason or a season to move out, it's best to just let them go, hold the good times close and remember the lessons they brought with them.
So I am also learning that lessons are like a double edged sword. On one side, they're cutting things that are hindering you out of your life, and on the other, they are teaching you valuable lessons, such as; "Ouch, That's sharp...Don't touch that!"
People are not always what they seem at first, sometimes they are just wounded animals putting up a front. And sometimes they will snap and bite at the ones who are trying to be supportive. All things considered, I'm really not that upset. I was at first, but the more I think about it, and the more I look at the blessings I DO have in my life, the more I remember that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime...and when it's time for a reason or a season to move out, it's best to just let them go, hold the good times close and remember the lessons they brought with them.
So I am also learning that lessons are like a double edged sword. On one side, they're cutting things that are hindering you out of your life, and on the other, they are teaching you valuable lessons, such as; "Ouch, That's sharp...Don't touch that!"
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Makeover time!
Well, I figured it was about time for a new look, so the blog got a makeover today! It's not the only thing that is going to be changing, so check back often! I start back to school Monday morning and I am taking a painting class this go around, so I'm going to have some new work to upload! :)
Au Revoir for now Blogland!
Au Revoir for now Blogland!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pin up lesson - Learning more about my personal vision.
I learned some very valuable things yesterday at the Pinup Calendar photo shoot I went to. I went to help a friend with her photo shoot, and to help the photographer as well. She bought me the cutest little sailor outfit and took some pics with me as well. She did my makeup and hair for me and I had a good time and learned some very valuable things for me.
1. Pinup modeling is nowhere near as easy as they make it look. The poses are painful to hold, the lights are blinding, the clothes are uncomfortable, you pretty much have to kill your hair with product and the comments from the peanut gallery can make you feel like a piece of meat. Kudos to the Pin ups, You have more gusto than I do, I couldn't do what you girls do on a daily basis, I know cause I tried it!!!
2. Pinup modeling is NOT something I think I would be interested in for myself. While the thought did cross my mind, and I had considered it for a while, I really didn't like the way I looked in the pics that were taken of me. (But I LOVED the fake eyelashes!)
3. I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I always knew I loved photography, and I knew I would love it in many different ways, But wow...I got immersed in some full scale photography and I loved it! I really think I learned alot, not just about photography, but about modeling as well. I like the idea of bringing my own personal visions to life, and I learned a little bit about what people are always telling me when they say that I see things differently than most people.
Does this mean I'm not going to model for the people who have asked me to? Nope. Those shoots aren't pinup shoots. I think the Gothic and Fantasy themed shoots might be different for me, I know I can pull off a floor length black dress and boots... not so much on the mini skirt and heels. My legs are a little too short n' stubby for mini skirts. My body is more torso than leg and pinup clothes are not flattering on my body type. I'm also just simply not comfortable showing that much skin! I think that I might be more comfortable in a shoot that is themed towards things that I am already really interested in, aside from just looking pretty on camera.
All in all, I think I learned a huge lesson from this. I learned that even in a situation where I am not really as interested as I thoguht I was in the subject matter, I would still love to be the photographer. I learned that Pinup doesn't suit me. And I gained a whole new respect for the models that are out there everyday, putting themselves through this weird form of torture to make themselves look as amazing as they do! Bravo and Kudos to you all!
So, where do I go from here? Well, it's only one possibility checked off of my long list of options, and an affirmation of the photography option for me. I really enjoyed the setup, green screen, lights, and watching the photographer at work. I really enjoyed being behind the camera and taking a few shots of my own with my own perspective and they came out fantastic! :D
Aside from the lessons, I got some really cute pictures, and some not so cute pictures of myself to keep in my scrapbook. :) Adios Pinup! You're not for me! I sail on to other horizons. :)
1. Pinup modeling is nowhere near as easy as they make it look. The poses are painful to hold, the lights are blinding, the clothes are uncomfortable, you pretty much have to kill your hair with product and the comments from the peanut gallery can make you feel like a piece of meat. Kudos to the Pin ups, You have more gusto than I do, I couldn't do what you girls do on a daily basis, I know cause I tried it!!!
2. Pinup modeling is NOT something I think I would be interested in for myself. While the thought did cross my mind, and I had considered it for a while, I really didn't like the way I looked in the pics that were taken of me. (But I LOVED the fake eyelashes!)
3. I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I always knew I loved photography, and I knew I would love it in many different ways, But wow...I got immersed in some full scale photography and I loved it! I really think I learned alot, not just about photography, but about modeling as well. I like the idea of bringing my own personal visions to life, and I learned a little bit about what people are always telling me when they say that I see things differently than most people.
Does this mean I'm not going to model for the people who have asked me to? Nope. Those shoots aren't pinup shoots. I think the Gothic and Fantasy themed shoots might be different for me, I know I can pull off a floor length black dress and boots... not so much on the mini skirt and heels. My legs are a little too short n' stubby for mini skirts. My body is more torso than leg and pinup clothes are not flattering on my body type. I'm also just simply not comfortable showing that much skin! I think that I might be more comfortable in a shoot that is themed towards things that I am already really interested in, aside from just looking pretty on camera.
All in all, I think I learned a huge lesson from this. I learned that even in a situation where I am not really as interested as I thoguht I was in the subject matter, I would still love to be the photographer. I learned that Pinup doesn't suit me. And I gained a whole new respect for the models that are out there everyday, putting themselves through this weird form of torture to make themselves look as amazing as they do! Bravo and Kudos to you all!
So, where do I go from here? Well, it's only one possibility checked off of my long list of options, and an affirmation of the photography option for me. I really enjoyed the setup, green screen, lights, and watching the photographer at work. I really enjoyed being behind the camera and taking a few shots of my own with my own perspective and they came out fantastic! :D
Aside from the lessons, I got some really cute pictures, and some not so cute pictures of myself to keep in my scrapbook. :) Adios Pinup! You're not for me! I sail on to other horizons. :)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Thoughts from a Full Moon Meditation
If you don't take control of your own Destiny, Someone else will! And you will NOT be happy with where they are sending you. When people push their opinions and ideas about the things YOU should be doing with your life on you, all it does is make you angry and cause issues between you and that person.
Take a look in the mirror and ask THAT person what you should be doing with your life because when it comes right down to it, You're the one that has to live with your choices. Are you going to make them for yourself, or let other people make them for you? Are you going to take control of the story of your life and be your own author or let someone else decide your adventures?
Everything you need to accomplish your goals is available to you if you reach out and take it. Take the reins and take back your power, focus on your true intention, focus on what you want and need in your own life. If you want to make a change in the world, start with yourself. Open your heart to the possibilities of Self Love, and Self Respect. We all walk our own paths, towards the same end, The journey getting there is different for everyone. Don't impose your beliefs on others paths because they might work for you, but they are personal beliefs and opinions that are valid for your path alone.
I am a HUGE advocate of self expression. Especially when that self expression goes against the grain and challenges people's perspectives. I believe that creativity and self expression are wonderful ways to solidify our individuality and leave a statement that says "I did this! I lived this life, MY way!" So, are you going to accept what is being offered you today? Are you going to take the reins and live for you, or let someone else lead you down their path while yours is overgrown with weeds?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...How do you want to spend it?
Take a look in the mirror and ask THAT person what you should be doing with your life because when it comes right down to it, You're the one that has to live with your choices. Are you going to make them for yourself, or let other people make them for you? Are you going to take control of the story of your life and be your own author or let someone else decide your adventures?
Everything you need to accomplish your goals is available to you if you reach out and take it. Take the reins and take back your power, focus on your true intention, focus on what you want and need in your own life. If you want to make a change in the world, start with yourself. Open your heart to the possibilities of Self Love, and Self Respect. We all walk our own paths, towards the same end, The journey getting there is different for everyone. Don't impose your beliefs on others paths because they might work for you, but they are personal beliefs and opinions that are valid for your path alone.
I am a HUGE advocate of self expression. Especially when that self expression goes against the grain and challenges people's perspectives. I believe that creativity and self expression are wonderful ways to solidify our individuality and leave a statement that says "I did this! I lived this life, MY way!" So, are you going to accept what is being offered you today? Are you going to take the reins and live for you, or let someone else lead you down their path while yours is overgrown with weeds?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...How do you want to spend it?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Sembeo Sound Matrix Soundboard
So I was stumbling through some links on my G+ news feed, when I saw a link that I normally would not have clicked on, But curiosity got the better of me and I clicked... and once the page opened, the next thing I knew, an hour had gone by and I had spent that hour clicking away at the little boxes and RELAXING for the first time in a week.
So I followed the source codes to find the original creator of this nifty little gizmo, and found that most every link lead back to Sembeo, So, Check this page out, watch the awesome videos, and play with the sound matrix Sound board below!! :D
So I followed the source codes to find the original creator of this nifty little gizmo, and found that most every link lead back to Sembeo, So, Check this page out, watch the awesome videos, and play with the sound matrix Sound board below!! :D
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Can't Rain All The Time
We walked the narrow path,
beneath the smoking skies.
Sometimes you can barely tell the difference
between darkness and light.
Do you have faith
in what we believe?
The truest test is when we cannot,
when we cannot see.
- Jane Siberry, "It Wont Rain All The Time"
beneath the smoking skies.
Sometimes you can barely tell the difference
between darkness and light.
Do you have faith
in what we believe?
The truest test is when we cannot,
when we cannot see.
- Jane Siberry, "It Wont Rain All The Time"
So the past few weeks have been pretty much hell. I have had a complete collapse of self confidence and fell into a hole of depression and self- loathing. I have been trying to clamber my way out of this hole without causing any undue hardship on people who don't need it. It's really hard to feel like you have anyone to talk to when you feel like all you're doing is burdening people with your bullshit. No matter how many times someone says "I don't mind, really, you need to vent!" It doesn't help. No matter how many people say "I'm here for you if you need me." It doesn't help. No matter how many people want to help, the fact of the matter is, there really isn't anything that anyone can do to help.
People say when you get down, the worst thing you can do is stay home, that you need to go out and be with friends, that you need to be around people who care. The problem is, I don't know how to tell if people actually care or if they are just trying to cheer me up so they don't feel uncomfortable. When you're lost, and can't see and feel like you're under a heavy cloud of depression, things become distorted and don't really make much sense anymore. And whats worse, is when you're already in 'self hate mode' and people start pushing their expectations on you. I know who I am, I know what I have and what I don't have, and I don't need to be consistently reminded of the things I do not have. I know I don't have them and I know it's inconvenient. So what am I supposed to do about it? I don't really know the answer to that, but what I am doing about it is venting. Journaling. Getting it out!!!! Don't let it fester, Don't let it build up inside, Get it out on paper so it doesn't become a toxin that infects my system and pulls me into a poisoned place.
So yes, I have been Journaling again. It feels good. Its refreshing, liberating and healing. I have been telling other people for months to start journaling and their stress levels will go down, but of course as per the norm, I'm great at dishing it out but do I ever take my own advice? Nah, of course not! So..."The truest test is when we cannot see"** I'm fighting my way out of blindness, trying to determine light from dark without knowing which is which and the strongest urge I have had through all of it is the urge to run. Run away, start over again somewhere where people don't know me. Erase all my info online and start over anew. Problem is...running never solves anything. So its been a constant struggle for me to fight this urge. Right now. All I know is that "it wont rain all the time, the sky wont fall forever."** I do have people who care about me, and don't want to see me fall, fail or die trying. I do have light at the end of this tunnel, it's just a matter of getting to it.
Until Next Time, Au Revoir Bloggers.
** - Quotes from the song 'Can't rain all the time" by Jane Siberry
** - Quotes from the song 'Can't rain all the time" by Jane Siberry
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