I went back to Colorado in November, and things just weren't the same. It felt like everyone had changed but in actuality I think it was me that changed... I have grown so much in the time I have been here. I feel so much happier with myself and my spiritual path here. I am happy to be home.
We recently decided to move out of the city and into the country, it's the best choice we have ever made.
We have moved everything over to the new house now, and we're slowly getting settled. It's kind of crazy with all the boxes everywhere and I have no idea where anything is, but things will get organized and everything will find it's place before too long.
Sarena seems happier in the new house than she did at the old place. She's more playful now than she was, I even made her a toy out of some feathers and string and she seems to really enjoy it. I had a problem at first with the kitty litter we had been using for her. Turns out that I am alergic to it. The reason it hadn't bothered me before is because I was never around it, it was tucked away in the back of the laundry room at the old house. Now that the litter box is in my closet in my bedroom, I had some really bad respritory problems with it for the first couple of nights. I switched to that Tidy Cats litter that has the blue beads in it and I haven't had a problem since.
Pretty soon we're going to be able to get Phantom back. I can't wait, I miss him so much. Three Feathers and Ariel may not be coming back, but I have to have my Phantom back. I keep thinking "I bet he thinks i abandoned him." It kills me to think that. I can't wait to get him back.
All in all, I like the new place. It's out in the country and it's really really quiet. We have enough land that I can start my garden, and set aside a chunk of the yard for ceremonial ground. We have been thinking about setting up a sweat lodge on the property but we haven't decided yet. We don't get any recption on the cell phones out there though, but we're working on getting a land line and internet connection, so, Things are looking up. :)
Blessed Imbolc/Imbolg to everyone, may this season bring you fertility of the wallet, mind, and spirit.