Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Potentials and Possibilities

(I made this image specifically for this blog, I am the model in this image. Please do not use this image for anything! Thank you.)

I had a really intense revelation last night, akin to a divine 2x4 upside the head. I've been really struggling with trying to understand how to overcome the things in my life that are keeping me from reaching my full potential and have been doing a lot of meditation on it. I had started to feel like no matter what I did, I would never reach the core of the problem in order to solve it. My life was an onion with so many layers of issues and every time I would overcome one, there would be another layer, fumigating my life and causing more pain and tears. I started to think of things as a vicious cycle that would never end and that the only thing I could do with my whole life was just work on the issues to get to the core of it all. 

We each have possibilities in our lives, potentials we can reach, dreams to fulfill. While it's good to acknowledge those potentials and could be's and work towards them, Sometimes we forget to look beyond them. It is unhealthy to focus on what we 'could be' to the exclusion of the celebration of who we ARE right now.
Yes, we all have issues, we all have problems to work through in our lives and NONE of us are perfect. How boring would that be? I believe that the biggest mistake a person can make is to overlook the celebration of their life. Whether it be in effort to 'better themselves' or because of the opinions and actions of others. How can you be better if you don't understand where you're at right now? How can you reach your full potential if you don't understand the potential you've already achieved. Embrace the YOU that you are and love them for who they are RIGHT NOW.

What a deep and dark rabbit hole I fell into, and while I'm climbing way back out, I'm realizing that I stepped through the looking glass instead of loving the person reflected back at me. 

Brightest Blessings to all reading this, and I hope that each and every one of you can learn to love yourself, look past what you 'could be' and embrace the amazing and wonderful person that you already ARE! <3 
Au-Revoir for now bloggers! 
The Bardic Pirate. 

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